Feb 15 - 18, 2003 Snowstorm
Feb. 18,  2003 Feb. 18,  2003 Feb. 18,  2003
Feb. 18,  2003 Feb. 18,  2003 Feb. 18,  2003
Sunday 16th forecast The storm totals
1.7 miles NNE of Annandale, VA

The Presidents’ Day Weekend Snowstorm of February 2003
National: 16.7" The 5th largest snowstorm for Washington DC.
BWI: 28.2" The Greatest of all Baltimore snowstorms.
Dulles: 22.4"
Feb. 17, 2003
The 5th largest snowstorm at Annandale-Barcroft Hills Weather Center in the last 23 years with a toal of 15.8 inches and was the most snow since January- 6-8 -1996 when 18.1 inches was recorded.
This MAJOR storm had a 2/15/2003 snow total of 1.3 inches, 2/16/2003 snow total of 13.0 inches, 2/17/2003 snow total of 1.5 inches. Yet another 7.7 inches of snow would fall before the month was over.
Heavy accumulations weighed down on buildings and several structural collapses occurred. (Nat.Weather Service )

