DAILY Weather Records
Glen Allen Virginia February 2011

  • FEBRUARY 14, 2011 Very Windy but Warm Day
    The maximum temperature today was 71.2 °F the highest maximum temperature since November 23, 2010 when the maximum temperature was 74 °F.
    The high wind gust today was 34 mph at 18:56 hours.
    Today's wind run was 155.4 miles which was the highest since November 12, 2009 when 162.5 miles was recorded.

  • FEBRUARY 17, 2011 Very Windy but Warm Day
    The maximum temperature today was 71.9 °F the highest maximum temperature since November 23, 2010 when the maximum temperature was 74 °F.
    Today's wind run was 140.5 miles.

  • FEBRUARY 18, 2011 Very Warm Night
    The minimum temperature last night was 55.2 °F the highest minimum temperature since October 28, 2010 when the minimum temperature was also 56 °F.

  • FEBRUARY 18, 2011 Very Warm Day
    The maximum temperature today was 76.8 °F the highest maximum temperature since October 28, 2010 when the maximum temperature was 79 °F.
    The minimum temperature today was 55 °F the highest minimum temperature since October 28, 2010 when the minimum temperature was also 56 °F.
    It also tied the Richmond International Airport 114 year daily maximum temperature record of 77 °F for the date set in 1976.

  • FEBRUARY 19, 2011 Very Windy and Dry Day
    The high wind gust today was 40 mph at 14:24 hours which was the highest wind gust recorded here since March 28th, 2010 when a 44 mph gust was recorded.
    The minimum relative humidity today was only 10 percent which is lowest relative humidity ever recorded at this station.
    It was also lower than any reading taken in the 28 years I kept records in Northern Virginia and may have been a 32 year record low relative humidity.

  • FEBRUARY 25, 2011 Very Windy Day
    The high wind gust yesterday was 38 mph at 13:04 hours.
    Yesterday's wind run was 156.4 miles which was the highest since November 12, 2009 when 162.5 miles was recorded.
