Snowdevil on Pond near Blacksburg , Virginia


These images of a snow devil were captured from a video taken during the late afternoon of January 14, 2006 on Pandapas Pond (Elevation: 2,200 ft) in northwest Montgomery County, VA. Light snowfall was occurring at the time the snow devil occurred on the surface of the pond. My son, John, was shooting a movie of a high wind gust (est. of 40-50 mph) and caught the snow devil by chance! He said it was "amazingly cool to be right by this snow devil and watch it move rapidly across the pond”. On January 14, 2006 at 8:40 PM in Blacksburg, VA the temperature was 28 degrees F with 35 MPH sustained winds and a gust to 51 MPH within the past 20 minutes.

Snow devils [* Other names are snow spouts and snow whirlies. Meteorologists have just begun to look at this form of whirlwind. Some suggest that they may simply be wind eddies from physical obstructions or by gusty winds.] Pandapas Pond is located between Brush Mountain and Gap Mountain, VA.]

Additional Information

Topozone map of Pandapas Pond
Weather Notebook- Snowdevils
Snowdevil- More Information