DAILY Weather Records
Glen Allen Virginia January 2014

  • January 4
  • The minimum temperature last night was 14.0°F.
    The lowest minimum temperature since January 25, 2013 when the minimum temperature was 13 °F.
  • January 7th at 7:30AM
  • The minimum temperature last night was 7°F the lowest minimum temperature since January 31, 2010.
    when the minimum temperature was also 7°F.
    There has been a great temperature decrease of -41.0 °F since yesterday at 7:30 AM.
    A new temperature range record for this station yesterday of 45.5°F from a midnight maximum of 60.1°F.
    to the low last night at midnight of 14.6 °F; previous record was 42°F in February 2009.
    There is a great decrease of -49 % in the humidity since yesterday at 7:30 AM.
  • January 7
  • The maximum temperature today was 22.4 °F a new record LOW maximum temperature at this station.
    The previous record was 24 °F set in 2009. (Records since August 2008)
  • January 24
  • The min. temp. today was 5.6°F at 6:44 AM a new record LOW min. temperature at this station for the date.
    The previous record was 15 °F in 2013. (Records since Aug. 2008) Today's min. dew point was -6.2 °F at 6:11 hrs.
    It was also the coldest temp. recorded at this station since January 17, 2009 when the minimum was only 4°F.
  • January 30
  • The minimum temperature last night was 6.0 °F at 5:51 AM the lowest minimum temperature for the date at West Henrico Co. - Glen Allen.
    It was also the coldest at the Richmond International Airport since January 17, 2009 when it was also 4°F.
    The 4 °F at the Airport was the lowest minimum temperature for the date since January 30, 1940 when the minimum temperature was -3°F.